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Kokořínské pokličky rock formations


Wednesday 12.02.

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Thursday 13.02.

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Friday 14.02.

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Kokořínské pokličky rock formations

Kokořínsko’s lush forests hide unique natural wonders. When you visit, you’ll find the Kokořínské Pokličky rock formations to be the crown jewel of your adventure.

In the forests of Kokořínsko, you’ll find giant mushrooms all year round—but not the kind you’d expect. These unique rock formations, known as Pokličky, bear a striking resemblance to oversized fungi.

Located at the junction of Kokořínský and Vojtěšský Důl, these unusual sandstone formations spark the imagination. When you spot their flat, cap-like tops rising above the treetops, you might wonder how they came to be. The answer lies in erosion.

  • Interesting fact: Pokličky formed through the weathering of sandstone blocks, where the iron-rich upper layers resisted erosion better than the softer layers below, creating the iconic “mushroom” shapes. However, erosion is an ongoing process, and over time, these formations will disappear—though nature is already shaping new ones. Future Pokličky, such as those in Jestřebice, may one day rival their famous counterparts.

The surreal sandstone landscape is a paradise for photographers and hikers alike. Some formations reach up to 12 meters in height, and the trail leading to them is accessible for all ages. The nearest settlement, Hlučov, with its well-preserved traditional cottages, adds to the region’s charm. From the Pokličky trailhead, a short climb up wooden steps rewards visitors with breathtaking views.

Feeling hungry after your adventure? Just a short walk from the site, Restaurace Hlučov serves delicious local fare. For a heartier meal, take a scenic 2 km walk to Pobuda, a cozy restaurant nestled at the foot of Kokořín Castle.

What’s next?

If you follow the red tourist trail, you’ll make your way through the Kokořín Valley to Kokořín Castle. The blue trail will take you about 5 km to the village of Mšeno, where you’ll find the nearest train station. Still craving more rock formations? Head to the Cinibulkova Trail and discover the rock cities of Kokořínsko. You’ll encounter fairytale-like cliffs, forest paths, steep climbs, narrow passages, and stairways carved into the rock. This trail will challenge your stamina and reward you with breathtaking views.

You’ll also find the results of human creativity in the nearby village of Želízy. In the 19th century, sculptor Václav Levý worked with the local rocks, creating many bizarre formations. The entire Václav Levý circuit is 11 km long, marked by a blue trail. The route includes two eerie rock sculptures of devil heads, each around 9 meters tall.

Kokořínské pokličky rock formations

Did you know?

The rock formations are far from small! The largest one stands at 12 meters tall, with the lid itself spanning around 6 meters wide.

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