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Berounka protékající CHKO Křivoklátskem


Saturday 14.09.

10 ° C

Sunday 15.09.

10 ° C

Monday 16.09.

11 ° C

Křivoklátsko Protected Landscape Area

Křivoklátsko: a region of dense forests in the middle of Bohemia – the deciduous and mixed vegetation covers almost one third of the entire area. We could talk about what to see there all day long.

The Berounka River and its tributaries in the deep valley are lined with rocky slopes covered by mixed forests and rare English yew. The bare peaks of the hills, called bald heads, are full of thermophilic steppe fauna and flora. There are many different species of trees, herbs and animals, and the underground conceals an abundance of wealth in the form of fossils dating back millions of years. This is what the region that author Ota Pavel loved looks like.

Křivoklátsko is not only one of the most interesting landscapes in Czechia, but throughout all of Europe. UNESCO therefore included it among its biosphere reserves under the Man and Biosphere programme in 1977, and a year later Křivoklátsko received its status as a protected landscape area.

The surroundings of the capital city made Křivoklátsko a popular hunting area for Czech kings and nobility in the past, thanks to which the wood from the local forests was never really harvested ensuring the vegetation has remained remarkably intact to this day.

The character of the Křivoklátsko region is determined by the Berounka River that makes its way through a deep valley creating dramatic canyons, meanders and river terraces. The entire area also comprises an important European bird sanctuary. You can watch 120 nesting bird species and 35 migrating species in the area.

The hilly terrain also attracts other visitors. The most popular destinations include the Skryje ponds, the ruins of Týřov Castle and the majestic Křivoklát. In summer and autumn, enthusiastic mushroom-pickers come to the remarkable Křivoklátsko forests, the Berounka River is filled with canoes and the dense network of cycling trails is a paradise for everyone who loves exploring the countryside by bike.

Křivoklát Castle

Did you know?

Just a stone's throw away from the Central Bohemian Region is Houska Castle with the alleged entrance to hell itself? According to the local legends, this chasm is guarded by a faceless black monk.

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