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Hornický skanzen Mayrau


Wednesday 15.01.

2 ° C

Thursday 16.01.

3 ° C

Friday 17.01.

1 ° C

Contributory Organization

Mayrau Mining Museum

At Kladno's mining open-air museum, step into an atmosphere frozen in time, with mining machinery and uniforms preserving the industrial legacy.

In the village of Vinařice near Kladno, the Mayrau Mining Museum stands as a significant technical monument in Central Bohemia. Affiliated with Sládeček’s regional museum in Kladno, it vividly recalls the history of coal mining in the Kladno region. The museum offers a unique and accessible experience within the confines of the former mine.

Inaugurated in October 1877 and named after Kajetán Mayer, the Mayrau Mine operated for 120 years, extracting 34 million tons of coal. Despite the decline of mining, the open-air museum preserves its legacy. Explore the historic area with preserved machinery and diverse programs, showcasing the authentic industrial setting and the challenging work of miners.

  • Interesting Fact: Chain dressing rooms were a typical part of many mines, including Mayrau. Miners used them as changing rooms, hanging their work clothes on chains to dry quickly near the ceiling. Mayrau’s chain room boasts an impressive 1,200 hooks.

Tours recreate the atmosphere of a miner’s last working day, showcasing the preserved setting as if miners just finished their shift. Explore the surface facilities, guild hall, chain dressing rooms, baths, and pit buildings. A notable highlight is the simulated mining workplace in the Homole adit, demonstrating coal mining techniques. Access to the entire area requires guides, many of whom are former miners.

  • Interesting Fact: The open-air museum boasts a remarkable mining machine dating back to 1905. Originally intended for maritime purposes, this steam engine found its way to Mayrau. It served its function flawlessly until 1997 without significant repairs. Remarkably, it is still operational!
What’s next?

If the Mayrau Mining Museum fascinated you, a visit to Sládeček’s Regional Museum in Kladno is a must. Explore urban scenes, a blast furnace model, or a replica mining kitchen. For genuine history, head to the nearby Budeč hillfort in Zákolany, hosting the oldest preserved building in the Czech Republic – the Rotunda of St. Peter and Paul.


Důlní chodba v hornickém skanzenu Mayrau, důl



Vinařice 56, 273 07 Vinařice




+420 602 717 159

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