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Šibeniční Vrch


Wednesday 15.01.

-5 ° C

Thursday 16.01.

-9 ° C

Friday 17.01.

1 ° C

Šibeniční Vrch Complex

Its four carefully maintained ski slopes are sure to please any snow enthusiast, while those who prefer sunny weather and warm temperatures can play tennis or beach volleyball.

Šibeniční vrch, located in the heart of the region made famous by the author Josef Lada, offers a variety of sports and social activities in both winter and summer. Its four carefully maintained ski slopes are sure to please any snow enthusiast, while those who prefer sunny weather and warm temperatures can play tennis or beach volleyball. The complex includes a restaurant and offers accommodation in a log house hotel or in stylish log cabins.

The Šibeniční vrch ski complex is located in the town of Mnichovice near the Hrusice village, where the famous Czech artist and author Josef Lada often resided. His villa there now houses a memorial to him. The ski complex offers its visitors a number of ski slopes in winter and tennis, squash, bowling, table tennis, beach volleyball and cycling facilities in summer. Accommodation is provided either in hotel rooms in the largest log house in Europe or in cosy log cabins. In warm weather, a camp site is also available.

Turistická trasa, Šibeniční Vrch



Šibeniční vrch, horský areál Šibenička 808 251 64 Mnichovice




+420 323 640 975

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Parkování je možné pro hosty Šibeničního vrchu přímo v areálu.


Přístup do restaurace, rekreačního centra a do roubenek je bezbariérový. Přístup do hotelových pokojů je bariérový. Bezbariérové toalety jsou v zadní části srubu u dětského brouzdaliště.
Wheelchair access

Wheelchair access

V areálu je v provozu restaurace. V zimní sezóně funguje i kiosek pod sjezdovkou.
Snack shop

Snack shop

Děti si mohou vyhrát v brouzdališti, na dětském hřišti s lanovkou nebo na kozí farmě.
Children facilities

Children facilities

Mazlíčci jsou v areálu Šibeničního vrchu vítáni.






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