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Jídelna na zámku Nelahozeves


Wednesday 15.01.

2 ° C

Thursday 16.01.

2 ° C

Friday 17.01.

-2 ° C

Nelahozeves Château

This Renaissance residence, one of the most beautiful in Bohemia, was modelled on the Italian castel with decorative bastions. It is currently owned by the Lobkowicz family and features several exhibitions.

The builders of Nelahozeves Château found inspiration for their project in northern Italy. This Renaissance residence, one of the most beautiful in Bohemia, was modelled on the Italian castel with decorative bastions. It is currently owned by the Lobkowicz family and features an exhibition illustrating the lifestyle of 19th-century nobility.

It was a very progressive building for its time, which was only minimally changed over the centuries. The residence, modelled on the north Italian castle, was in the possession of Polyxena of Lobkowicz; an extensive rebuilding took place under the administration of her son.

At the end of the 19th century, Vilemína of Lobkowicz used it to create a boarding house for unmarried and widowed noblewomen. Today, the château is again owned by the Lobkowicz family and features an exhibition of artworks from their extensive collection as well as an exhibition illustrating the lifestyle of a noble family in the 19th century.

Zámek Nelahozeves v noci



Nelahozeves 1, 277 51 Nelahozeves




+420 724 557 617

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