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Toušické prahy


Wednesday 12.02.

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Thursday 13.02.

2 ° C

Friday 14.02.

0 ° C

Explore On Foot

To the Baroque Bridges and Mesmerizing Rock Formations

An easygoing trail leads you from Baroque bridges to untamed rapids. The chance to splash around in the creek as you traverse the valley will be a joy, especially for kids, on warm days.

Take a delightful walk through a romantic valley along a gently meandering stream, bringing a sense of calm to your soul. The path unveils a few surprises, such as two Baroque bridges nestled in the greenery, and concludes with the soothing rapids of the Toušice Tresholds. The Výrovka River, known as the Vavřinecký Stream in Zásmuky, is sure to captivate you.

A short and easy trail begins in Zásmuky at the square, where, just past the bus stop, an intriguing neo-Gothic substation catches your eye. Take a moment to explore the adjacent castle park; its grotto is one of the best-preserved in the country. Then, follow the yellow hiking trail towards the historic Bažantnice. As you walk through its center on an educational path, notice the Leopold Oak, which has been growing here for 400 years.

  • Interesting fact: Despite its leisurely flow, the river stram transforms into a navigable wild river occasionally, attracting enthusiasts to popular canoe races. This unfolds each autumn during the draining of Vavřinecký Pond.

A short distance past the bridge, the valley is adorned with rocks ideal for sport climbing. While now a tranquil oasis, in the past, it served as a lively trade route from Zásmuky to Kouřim, featuring a mill, brickworks, forester’s lodge, and a tavern.

As you conclude the journey, discover another highlight – the second Baroque stone bridge, marking the start of the enchanting Toušice Trasholds, a 5-meter-high rock cascade along the Vavřinecký stream. To return to Zásmuky, follow an unmarked path on the opposite side of the valley.

Trip start:


Trip length:

5,5 km

Trip duration:

1,5 hours

Trip end


Altitude profile:

+88 m

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Elevation profile of the route

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